Getting started

Here you can find out how to get started with swan.


Here is a list of packages needed by swan:

  • matplotlib
  • quantities
  • PyQt4
  • enum
  • pyqtgraph
  • lxml
  • python-neo
  • python-odml

The python version that is used is 2.7.6.

Installing swan

Getting the packages

If you are using Ubuntu - or any other Debian based machine - you can install some of the packages via apt.

The command looks like this:

$ sudo apt-get install <package_name>

For the other packages (and other operating systems) you have to use pip.

Here is the command for pip:

$ pip install --user <package_name>

Look at the table to get the right package name:

package pip package apt package
matplotlib matplotlib python-matplotlib
quantities quantities python-quantities
PyQt4   python-qt4
enum enum python-enum
lxml lxml python-lxml
pyqtgraph pyqtgraph  

In the top-level directory of swan you can find the file in which the commands for installing the packages can be found. You can use this file for installing the packages (this will only work on machines which support apt-get install):

$ ./

Getting Swan

To get the swan repository use the following command in your console:

$ git clone --recursive

The --recursive is very important because swan depends on other repositories.

Running swan

If you are in the swan/src directory, the command to start swan looks like this:

$ python [<home_dir>]

You can see that <home_dir> is optional. If you are fine with the fact that swan saves all project files in your home directory - which is usually ~ - you don’t have to provide arguments.

But if you want to choose another directory you can just provide it as first argument.